Saturday, December 6, 2008

Carmel Sand Castle Contest Sept 08

Carmel Sand Castle Contest Sept 08, 103MB, 3:41. If you have Quicktime (QT) installed (or have a mac), click the picture above. If you have a PC without QT, click here Flash version to view. For best viewing, you need a DSL, cable, or faster connection.

Fisher Body Craftsman Reunion Aug 08

Fisher Body Craftsman Guild Reunion, Boston, MA, Aug 2008, 70MB, 2:32. If you have Quicktime (QT) installed (or have a mac), click the picture above. If you have a PC without QT, click here Flash version to view. For best viewing, you need a DSL, cable, or faster connection.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Planet Dirt, Day #3

Planet Dirt, Day #3, 58MB, 2:04. If you have Quicktime (QT) installed (or have a mac), click the picture above. For best viewing, you need a DSL, cable, or faster connection.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wes at Planet Dirt, Day #2

Wes at Planet Dirt, Day #2, 91MB, 3:16. If you have Quicktime (QT) installed (or have a mac), click the picture above. For best viewing, you need a DSL, cable, or faster connection.

Ryan at Planet Dirt Day #2

Ryan at Planet Dirt, Day #2, 64MB, 2:18. If you have Quicktime (QT) installed (or have a mac), click the picture above. For best viewing, you need a DSL, cable, or faster connection. To save the movie on a PC, right-click and "Download Linked File". For a Mac, ctrl-click and click "save link as..".

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wes at Planet Dirt, Day #1

Wes at Planet Dirt, Day #1, 31MB, 2:40. If you have Quicktime (QT) installed (or have a mac), click the picture above. For best viewing, you need a DSL, cable, or faster connection.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Wes' Tae Kwon Do Orange Belt

Wes Tae Kwon Do Orange Belt, 125MB, 4:29. If you have Quicktime (QT) installed (or have a mac), click the picture above. If you have a PC without QT, click here Flash version to view. For best viewing, you need a DSL, cable, or faster connection.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

WSP 1st Grade Class Play, June 9 2008

Mrs. von Moritz's first grade class play at the end of the school year.

Best viewed with DSL/cable or better. If you have Quicktime (QT) installed (or have a mac), click the picture to watch. If you have a PC without QT, click on the words "Flash version" below to view.
To download the movie on a PC, right-click and "Download Linked File". For a Mac, ctrl-click and click "save link as..". 380 MB, 13:36.
Flash version is 215 MB.
iPod & iPhone version is 159 MB.
If you'd like even larger versions, please click on "comments" below and say so. This highest detail file is very large at 1.6GB. If enough people can handle them, I may post them here.